Network Remedy Commitment To IT Cost Optimization

A core facet of Network Remedy service is the continuous assessment and reassessment of client IT expenses, which allows us to find new opportunities for cost reduction. We want to meet and exceed your IT needs while simultaneously helping you with IT cost optimization.

Whereas conventional managed services rely on an insurance model (in which you pay a monthly rate and you get peace of mind that your technology is taken care of), we actively reassess your IT expenses on a regular basis to ensure they’re getting the best possible ROI for their IT budget.

The Network Remedys team uses continual improvement methodologies, such as IT planning and strategy meetings, permanent corrective actions, and much more, to act as your architects of cost-effectiveness.

10 Ways Network Remedy Delivers

IT Cost Optimization To Clients

  • 1

    Streamline Operations with Shared Services

    Leverage IT shared services to drive economies of scale and achieve significant cost reductions of up to 25% within 18 to 36 months. By becoming a part of Network Remedy network, you access an optimal economy of scale for the monthly fees you pay, ensuring the best possible ROI for your business.

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    Embrace a Cost-Efficient Cloud-First Approach

    Experience the benefits of a cloud-first policy, from IaaS to SaaS, gaining agility and scalability while achieving long-term IT cost optimization. Our strict cloud governance mitigates potential cost increases, maximizing your ROI.

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    Modernize and Consolidate Data Centers

    As organizations expand, traditional data center costs escalate. Network Remedy helps you shift to data-center switching architecture, enabling modernization and consolidation efforts that save between 10% and 20% of your data center budget.

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    Streamline and Standardize Enterprise Applications

    Unlock significant cost reductions by rationalizing and standardizing your application portfolio. Network Remedy empowers you to control costs, achieving savings of 15% to 25% of your application budget. Trust us for efficient IT cost optimization.

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    Enhance IT Financial Transparency

    Unlock the true potential of your IT spending by working with Network Remedy to establish IT financial transparency. We help you understand costs associated with IT operations, aligning general ledger entries with technical and business service expenses. This transparency enables you to optimize costs and deliver maximum business value through IT services.

With the proper level of IT services and support, there's literally nothing your business can't accomplish. That's exactly what we want for you and, at the end of the day, that's what our IT consulting and managed services are all about.

Getting started is easy. Give us a call at 855-736-3395 or complete the form below, and we will get in touch with you to set up an introductory phone call.

Schedule an Appointment

  • 1

    Fill in our quick form

  • 2

    We’ll schedule an introductory 
phone call.

  • 3

    We’ll take the time to listen and plan the next steps.

  • 6

    IT Demand-Side Spending

    Maximize IT cost optimization by focusing on IT demand-side spending. Network Remedy collaborates with your business unit peers to evaluate processes, resources, and capacity across the organization. By identifying areas for improvement and enhancing productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness, we drive impactful cost reductions in the 96% of enterprise operating expenses occurring outside of IT.

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    Embrace Robotic Process Automation

    Unlock the power of RPA and AI with Network Remedy. Our expertise in these technologies enables us to analyze data, identify patterns, and make strategic business decisions. By automating inefficient processes and extracting valuable insights, we drive cost savings and optimize your operations.

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    Enhance IT Asset Management Practices

    Don't overlook the impact of effective IT Asset Management (ITAM) practices on cost optimization. BMC Networks evaluates and improves your ITAM approach, shifting from asset tracking to corporate governance. This results in significant cost savings of 10% to 20%, ensuring your IT assets are managed efficiently and economically.

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    Foster Digital Business Transformation

    Network Remedy empowers you to optimize costs through digital business transformation. We engage business stakeholders to generate cost-saving ideas and share the resulting savings with the business unit (BU). This partnership enhances visibility into BU IT spending and mitigates redundant expenses, fostering continuous IT cost optimization.

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    Streamline Workforce Efficiency

    Unlock workforce cost savings with Network Remedy workforce management solutions. Leverage automation capabilities to reduce staffing costs, whether through manager experience automation or virtual assistants for routine tasks. By implementing bots to enhance human capabilities, we create a more productive work environment that optimizes costs while boosting efficiency.

Frequently Asked Questions

IT cost optimization is crucial for achieving a balance between maximizing technological capabilities and minimizing expenses. By optimizing IT costs, your business can enhance operational efficiency, allocate resources strategically, and ensure that technology investments align with business objectives. Our IT support and consulting services focus on identifying cost-saving opportunities while maintaining optimal IT performance.

IT cost optimization involves a holistic review of your infrastructure, including cloud services, software licenses, hardware utilization, and operational processes. We analyze each component to identify inefficiencies, redundant services, and opportunities for consolidation. By addressing these areas, we help you achieve cost savings while maintaining or enhancing the performance of your IT environment.

Achieving the right balance is our expertise. We conduct thorough assessments to understand your business needs and align technology solutions accordingly. Our approach involves prioritizing critical systems, leveraging cost-effective technologies, and implementing efficiency measures without compromising performance. This ensures that cost optimization efforts contribute to a streamlined and high-performing IT environment.

IT cost optimization and cybersecurity go hand in hand. We ensure that cost-saving measures do not compromise the security of your IT infrastructure. Our services include implementing cost-effective cybersecurity solutions, maintaining compliance with data protection regulations, and securing your digital assets. By aligning cost optimization with robust security measures, we create a comprehensive and resilient IT environment.

IT cost optimization is an ongoing process that should align with your business's evolving needs and technological advancements. We recommend regular reviews, especially during significant business changes, technological upgrades, or shifts in operational requirements. Our proactive approach ensures that your IT costs remain optimized and responsive to the dynamic nature of your organization.

Accelerate IT Cost Optimization With Network Remedy

Either by changing software license structures, switching service vendors, or otherwise, we help clients achieve massive savings in their IT budgets. The bottom line is that if your IT company isn’t trying to help you save money, then they’re too expensive.

Want to find out how much you could save on your IT bill? Get in touch with our team.