Are you unsure of how secure your business' IT infrastructure is?

The network that connects your business' computers deals with a lot of sensitive and valuable information—this makes it a prime target for cybercriminals.

You can’t afford to assume that your cyber security measures and practices are keeping you safe. You need to understand the risks you face, and how to mitigate them. The best way to do so is by performing regular vulnerability assessments and penetration tests.

Vulnerability Assessments & Penetration Tests Show You What Your Risks Are

The gulf between what you know and what you don’t is where cybercriminals operate. That’s why risk assessment processes are so crucial. They help you better understand where your most severe cybersecurity issues are.

Consider the facts — whereas nearly 80% of IT security leaders believe their organizations are not secure enough, only 57% have invested in vulnerability assessments and penetration tests. Don’t make the same mistake.

Unfortunately, a key barrier at play is how complicated the process is. A vulnerability assessment can be a daunting task and if not conducted by an information security professional, then your organization can still be exposed to cyber security risks. And how do you know what to do after the assessment?

To begin, do you even know the difference between vulnerability assessments and penetration tests? It’s OK if not; you’re not a cybersecurity professional. Let’s make sure we’re on the same page…

Our Schedule Fills Up Fast, Book Your Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Test Now

Cybercrime is on the rise, and it’s evident with the amount of companies reaching out to book this valuable service. Get on our schedule right away - fill out the form below. 

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A Primer On Vulnerability Assessments & Penetration Tests

What Is A Vulnerability Assessment?

A vulnerability assessment is a process of identifying and evaluating potential weaknesses or vulnerabilities in a system, network, or application. It helps to uncover security flaws that could be exploited by malicious actors to compromise the integrity, confidentiality, or availability of your digital assets.

During a vulnerability assessment, various techniques such as scanning, testing, and analysis are employed to discover potential vulnerabilities. These can include outdated software versions, misconfigurations, weak passwords, or even human errors that might expose your system to potential threats.

Through a comprehensive vulnerability assessment, you can gain insights into your system's security posture and take appropriate measures to mitigate any identified vulnerabilities. It's an essential step in ensuring the overall security and resilience of your digital environment.

What Is A Penetration Test?

A penetration test, also known as a pen test, is a simulated cyberattack on a system, network, or application to identify security weaknesses and vulnerabilities. It goes beyond a vulnerability assessment by actively attempting to exploit vulnerabilities and gain unauthorized access to assess the real-world impact.

During a penetration test, ethical hackers, also known as penetration testers, use various techniques, tools, and methodologies to simulate the actions of a malicious attacker. They attempt to exploit vulnerabilities to gain access to sensitive data, escalate privileges, or compromise the system's integrity.

The goal of a penetration test is to provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of your security controls and to identify any weaknesses that attackers could exploit. By uncovering these vulnerabilities before the actual hackers do, you can take proactive measures to strengthen your security posture.

It's important to note that a penetration test should always be conducted by trained professionals to ensure it is conducted safely and ethically. The results of the test can then be used to prioritize and implement appropriate security measures. 

Ready to Book Your, Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Test?

It’s a simple process to get on the path towards peace of mind. Get on our schedule right away - fill out the form below. 

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How Are Vulnerability Assessments & Penetration Tests Different ?

While vulnerability assessments and penetration tests are both important components of a comprehensive security strategy, there are distinct differences between the two:

Scope and Approach

A vulnerability assessment focuses on identifying and classifying vulnerabilities in your systems, networks, or applications. It involves automated scanning, manual checks, and analysis to uncover potential weaknesses. 

On the other hand, a penetration test goes beyond assessment and actively attempts to exploit vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access. It simulates real-world attacks to assess the impact on your system's security.

Level of Depth

Vulnerability assessments provide a broad overview of vulnerabilities but may not provide detailed insights into the extent of their exploitability or the potential impact on your systems. In contrast, penetration tests involve in-depth testing, attempting to exploit vulnerabilities to determine the actual risk they pose and the severity of their impact.


Vulnerability assessments are primarily aimed at identifying vulnerabilities, prioritizing them, and providing recommendations for remediation. They are more focused on proactive risk identification and mitigation. 

Penetration tests, on the other hand, are designed to test the effectiveness of your security controls, uncover potential weaknesses, and assess the ability to detect and respond to attacks.


Vulnerability assessments can be conducted by security professionals with a good understanding of security tools and techniques, while penetration tests require highly skilled and certified ethical hackers. Penetration testers have a deep knowledge of hacking techniques, attack vectors, and are proficient in using sophisticated tools to simulate real-world attacks.

Ideally, both vulnerability assessments and penetration tests should be part of your overall security strategy. Vulnerability assessments help identify and prioritize vulnerabilities, while penetration tests provide a more realistic evaluation of your security posture. Together, they provide a comprehensive understanding of your system's weaknesses and enable you to take appropriate measures to enhance your overall security.

When Was The Last Time You Underwent A Vulnerability Assessment or Penetration Test?

By conducting regular vulnerability assessments, businesses gain valuable insights into their cybersecurity posture, enabling them to proactively address weaknesses and implement robust security measures. This proactive approach helps mitigate the risk of data breaches, financial loss, reputational damage, and legal consequences.

Cybersecurity vulnerability assessments provide businesses with a comprehensive understanding of their unique security challenges and allow them to prioritize and allocate resources effectively. Through these assessments, organizations can identify and evaluate potential threats, such as malware, phishing attacks, insider threats, or system vulnerabilities.

After assessing the likelihood and potential impact of these risks, businesses can develop targeted strategies and allocate resources to strengthen their security defenses where they are most needed. This ensures a cost-effective and tailored approach to cybersecurity, maximizing protection against the most significant risks.

Furthermore, conducting cybersecurity vulnerability assessments is crucial for demonstrating regulatory compliance and meeting industry standards. Many sectors, such as finance, healthcare, and government, have specific regulatory requirements regarding data protection and cybersecurity.

By regularly assessing cybersecurity risks, businesses can ensure they are aligning with these regulations and standards, avoiding penalties and legal repercussions. Additionally, vulnerability assessments provide evidence of due diligence, which can be important for building trust with customers, partners, and stakeholders who rely on the security and confidentiality of their data.

If You Haven’t Scheduled a Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Test
in a While, Do It Before It’s Too Late!

Let us identify any risks to help you avoid penalties and legal repercussions. Get on our schedule right away - fill out the form below.

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4 Key Components Of An Effective Vulnerability Assessment

Asset Inventory and Classification

A comprehensive cybersecurity risk assessment should begin with a thorough inventory and classification of all assets within the organization's information systems. This includes hardware, software, data, and network components. 

By understanding what assets are present and their importance to the business, potential risks and vulnerabilities can be accurately assessed and prioritized. This step lays the foundation for effective risk management by enabling organizations to allocate resources where they are most needed.

Threat Analysis

A robust risk assessment should include a detailed analysis of potential threats that could compromise the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of the organization's information systems. 

This involves identifying external threats such as hackers, malware, and phishing attacks, as well as internal threats such as insider threats or accidental data breaches. Evaluating the likelihood and potential impact of these threats helps organizations understand their risk exposure and allows them to implement appropriate safeguards to mitigate or prevent potential incidents.

Risk Impact Analysis

Assessing the impact of potential risks is a key component of a comprehensive cybersecurity risk assessment. Conducting a risk impact analysis involves evaluating the potential consequences of a successful cyber attack or data breach, including financial loss, reputational damage, legal implications, and disruption to business operations. 

By quantifying the potential impact, organizations can prioritize risk mitigation efforts and allocate resources effectively. This analysis also helps in evaluating the cost-effectiveness of security measures and determining the appropriate level of risk tolerance for the organization.

Risk Mitigation Plan

A well-rounded cybersecurity risk assessment should conclude with the development of a risk mitigation plan. This plan outlines the strategies and actions required to address identified risks effectively. It includes recommended security controls, risk mitigation measures, and incident response protocols. 

The risk treatment plan should be tailored to the specific needs and resources of the organization, aligning with its risk appetite and compliance requirements. Regular monitoring and review of the plan ensure that it remains relevant and effective in addressing evolving cybersecurity threats.

Frequently Asked Questions

A Vulnerability Assessment is a systematic review of your IT infrastructure to identify weaknesses and potential points of exploitation. It is a proactive measure to discover and address security vulnerabilities before they can be exploited by cyber threats. By conducting regular assessments, we strengthen your overall security posture, providing peace of mind and minimizing the risk of data breaches or unauthorized access.

While a Vulnerability Assessment identifies weaknesses, a Penetration Test goes a step further by simulating real-world attacks to evaluate the effectiveness of your defenses. Together, these two processes provide a comprehensive view of your security landscape. The assessment pinpoints vulnerabilities, and the penetration test validates the resilience of your defenses, ensuring a proactive and holistic approach to cybersecurity.

The frequency of assessments depends on various factors, including industry regulations, the evolving threat landscape, and changes to your IT environment. As a general guideline, we recommend conducting assessments at least annually, with more frequent tests for dynamic environments or those with stringent compliance requirements. Regular assessments ensure ongoing security and help detect and address vulnerabilities promptly.

Ensuring the confidentiality of your data is our top priority. Our team follows strict ethical guidelines and employs industry best practices to handle sensitive information securely. We work closely with your organization to define the scope of assessments, limit access to relevant personnel, and use anonymized data where possible. Our commitment to confidentiality ensures a trustworthy and professional approach to securing your IT infrastructure.

Many industry regulations mandate regular security assessments, and Vulnerability Assessments and Penetration Tests align with these requirements. By conducting these tests, your organization demonstrates a commitment to maintaining a secure IT environment. Our services help you meet compliance standards, providing evidence of due diligence in safeguarding sensitive information and ensuring the integrity of your cybersecurity practices.

Find Your Risks With Vulnerability Assessments and Penetration Tests

Overall, cybersecurity vulnerability assessments offer modern businesses a proactive and strategic approach to managing cybersecurity threats. By identifying vulnerabilities, allocating resources effectively, and ensuring regulatory compliance, businesses can safeguard their valuable assets, maintain customer trust, and protect their long-term success in an increasingly digital world.

Network Remedy uses an unbiased, quantifiable assessment process that can be easily repeated year after year. We can also help with any remediation efforts after the fact, including policy and procedure creation, employee training, and more.

At Network Remedy, we proactively reduce cyber risk and protect the organization against cybersecurity threats. Contact us today to learn more about the services we offer or to schedule a cybersecurity risk assessment.