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Managed I.T Services: 6 Tips When Looking For an MSP

Over the past years, we have seen the world adapt to unpredictable circumstances. From working exclusively in an office to working from home, many hidden I.T challenges businesses face have risen. Many of these businesses have turned to managed I.T services called MSP (Managed Service Provider). However a lot of pressure lies on choosing the correct MSP to bring on as an extension of your team and business. The difference between choosing an MSP that can work with your team and bring valuable information to the table, will be shown through your company’s success. Here are 6 tips to keep in mind when looking for an MSP provider that is right for you.

1. Availability and Accessibility

In any business, down time due to technological issues impairs your team of being able to provide excellent customer service. Down time is not only stressful in the moment but can leave you and your team feeling behind playing catch up. Regardless of the technological issue at hand, when it comes to functionality and success of your company it is imperative to have access to experts when complications occur. When looking for an MSP, making sure they are available 24/7/365 can really make a difference in how fast you can recover from technological issues and back to providing excellent service.

Accessibility is another key aspect to keep in mind. Many MSP’s can monitor your company’s tech remotely. However, would your company benefit from having an onsite presence? If so, you may want to consider a local MSP.

2. Reputation and reference list

When working with another organization to enhance your business, it is critical to think of them as an extension of your company. A well rounded MSP will have a reference list made, ready to demonstrate a successful track record in resolving other companies’ concerns. When an MSP can assess technological and cyber security needs to provide a solution, success will be demonstrated through clients reviews. At the end of the day, are you going to be proud to be or have worked with your chosen MSP?

3. Cost Saving Opportunities

There are many financial benefits to outsourcing your I.T services. For starters, MSP companies give you access to a whole team of I.T experts. Because most companies work with a small I.T department, overtime the financial cost of an MSP may be less than that of an I.T department. That alone gives you room to invest in recommended services and updates that might help your I.T run more smoothly. When there is one less thing to worry about, such as your I.T, you can focus on expanding your business more freely.

4. Advanced Technology and Experts

Taking care of your own I.T can feel overwhelming to say the least. Staying up to date with the trends of your business and the I.T industry leaves you feeling spread thin. When working with the correct MSP you get access to advanced technology and experts in cyber/network security to help relieve the stressors. A great MSP will provide services and recommendations that not only fix current issues, but they will recommend services and updates that will better target problems when they occur in the future. Giving you a single point of contact, no downtime, and saving you pennies along the way.

5. Flexibility to your Company Growth

The world does not stop spinning and neither does a company’s market keep from evolving. We are constantly being bombarded with technological advancements and it becomes challenging to keep up with each and every single one. The relationship you build with an MSP must have the foundation of communication in order to be flexible in the changes that come along with your growing market. Look for an MSP that provides valuable services as your company continues to grow and a long lasting relationship will begin to form. When there is a sustainable relationship, an MSP will be able to adjust with your company needs. Whether you are downsizing or expanding, you will have a partner to help ease transitions and take the technological aspect off your plate.

6. Commitment to Your Companies Needs

Depending on how deeply rooted your I.T problems are, the solution to your concerns may not have a quick fix. The game plan to tackle these issues are critical to see a successful outcome. The right MSP will be committed to your project to find the best long term solution for your company’s needs.

What Can Network Remedy do For You?

At Network Remedy, we are a leading MSP in the San Francisco Bay Area, Austin Texas, Salt Lake City Utah, and Greater Los Angeles Areas. If you are looking for an MSP to take on your technological and cyber security needs, fill out our contact information!

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Network Remedy

Network Remedy

"Network Remedy was founded in 2001 with a mission to help businesses use IT to scale their operations. At our core, we are an organization of creative problem solvers. We believe our greatest IT accomplishments are making business processes easy for clients and helping them stay productive. Joining the Network Remedy team requires technicians to have a detailed understanding of how technology empowers businesses – and a passion for seeing it in action."